What We Wish Adults Knew About How Gen Z Communicates

What We Wish Adults Knew About How Gen Z Communicates

Gen Z. iGen. Zoomers.  Whatever they’re called, members of the generation currently ascending into adulthood are often characterized by their affinity for and reliance on technology. This makes sense: born sometime between the late 90s and early 2010s, members of Gen Z are the first to have grown up in a fully connected world.  That…

Discussion Dashboards: Fall Recap & Looking Forward

Discussion Dashboards: Fall Recap & Looking Forward

by Emily Gromoll, Director of Program We began this school year excited to launch R.E.A.L. Discussion Dashboards, our new action research tool, but we were not sure what to expect. We hoped for a few things: first, that we could learn more about which areas – namely, discussion skills, sense of belonging, growth mindset, etc….

Our Why

Our Why

At R.E.A.L.® Discussion, we believe in the power of conversation to change a life and to change the world. That sounds dramatic, but it starts with science. We know that: >> Conversation is a uniquely human capacity. Monkeys and robots can communicate, but only humans can use conversation to interview grandpa, triage a patient, engage…

Office Hours: 30 minutes with Matthew Barzun

Office Hours: 30 minutes with Matthew Barzun

“With individuals, if you want bridging to happen, the first step is to foster a space of self-definition: who you are, where you stand, what you stand for. Then, from there, people can start to see the other, acknowledge the other, listen to the other, and then finally have that “bridge” moment of seeing yourself in them.”

Office Hours: 30 minutes with Constance Borro

Office Hours: 30 minutes with Constance Borro

“Really, this isn’t just about redesigning assessment; rather, it’s about redesigning the feedback loop and making sure that we build student reflection so that teachers aren’t the purveyors of learning. These are the dispositions that we all want in our colleagues, employees, and supervisors, so let’s build them in our children.”

Protagonists: 20 minutes with Arianna Vailas

Protagonists: 20 minutes with Arianna Vailas

The Protagonists series highlights the main characters of our mission: the teachers out there hustling to make their students feel known, heard, and challenged through student-led discussion. Hometown Manchester, NH. My dad grew up there, too – it’s very much home. Favorite teacher growing up: who and why? Ms. Sears was my sophomore English teacher….